ABCI Securities offers services under Capital Investment Entrant Scheme
The Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (the "Scheme") was launched by the Immigration Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the "Immigration Department") on 27 October 2003 to facilitate entry for residence in Hong Kong by capital investment entrants.

ABCI Securities Company Limited (ABCIS) can provide applicants with a full set of professional financial services, assists each applicant to navigate the Scheme's application process.

For more information about the Scheme, please visit our office, contact your Account Executive or the Client Service representative:
Client Service Hotline: (852) 2147 8836

Risk Disclosure:
This website and its contents are for information only and shall not constitute any offer, solicitation or recommendation to make investment in securities or any other financial products. For the latest rules and requirements, please refer to the Website of the Immigration Department.
The price of any securities or other financial products may fall as well as rise, and may under some circumstances become valueless. Past performance should not be taken as an indication of future performance. The risk disclosure statements do not purport to disclose or discuss all of the risks and other significant aspects of any securities mentioned in this website. You should make your own appraisal of the risk and should consult to the extent necessary your own legal, tax, financial or other professional advisors prior to entering into any transaction. For details of the nature of a particular product and the risk involved, please refer to the relevant offering documents.

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