ABCI assists COAMC to issue US$600 million dollar pond
On September 12, 2013, ABC International is honored to have acted as Joint Bookrunner and Joint Lead Manager in China Orient Asset Management Corporation (“COAMC”, S&P/Fitch: BBB+/A-) debut USD Fixed Income Securities Offering. The 5-year USD 600 million notes were issued at 4.75% by Century Master Investment Co. Ltd, the offshore subsidiary of COAMC.
With the persistent marketing efforts made by ABCI and other syndicate banks, the transaction was successfully priced at the low end of the final guidance. Despite the current downturn in the international bond market, the anchor orders introduced by the syndicate banks formed a solid foundation for the success of this transaction with over 170 accounts participation at USD 3.7 billion subscription amount, making the deal 6.2 times oversubscribed.
COAMC is China’s first state-owned asset management company to issue rated USD bond.

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